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Trade in livestock and livestock products are regulated as per the Foreign Trade Policy–Export Import Policy (EXIM) of Government of India which is implemented by Department of Commerce. However, to prevent ingress of Exotic Diseases through import of livestock and livestock products, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries regulates trade in such products as per provision of Section 3 and Section 3A of the Livestock Importation Act., 1898. Import of live animal’s falls under the category of restricted list (it is not free to import) as per EXIM Policy for which importer has to obtain license from Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). The DGFT issues license on the recommendation of this Department.

For Sanitary Import Permit (SIP) related query call at Joint Secretary (Trade) Office: 011-23389620 or Assistant Commissioner (Trade) Office: 011-21401459 between 3.30 PM to 4.30 PM.